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James Tillyer
2 min read
Transolva Group deliver next generation Driver CPC
We're thrilled to welcome leading transport services provider Transolva Group, based in South-West England, to our immersive Driver CPC...

James Tillyer
3 min read
Why high quality training = safer roads
I'm a big fan of Driver CPC, and here's why. If the mandatory requirement for periodic training didn't exist, how much would companies...

James Tillyer
3 min read
Thrilled to provide a UK first!
While the world sleeps, there's a superhero on a mission. A mission to help feed the hungry. To help build homes for families that don’t...

James Tillyer
3 min read
Structure communication like tyres; get a grip, keep control, stay on the path
When you run a transport business with employees and contractors, it can be tricky to keep them informed as and when you need to. It's...

James Tillyer
2 min read
How well do your drivers drive?
Driving is one of the most dangerous work activities, and contributes to far more work-related accidental deaths and serious injuries...

James Tillyer
2 min read
Terrorism and Vehicles: Maximise safety to minimise risk
There's no doubt that using vehicles as a tool for terrorism is popular with groups who seek to harm people who don't subscribe to their...

James Tillyer
2 min read
Keep moving, stay motivated, be professional
After such a difficult year for so many people it's perhaps worth reflecting on the effect for businesses in road transport. Despite...

James Tillyer
3 min read
The importance of accreditation in road transport
If you operate large vehicles for commercial gain, then the chances are you'll be required to hold a licence. The terms of the licence...
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